Nano Silver Spray

Nano Silver Spray

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Nano Silver

Silver has been used by many ancient civilizations as a means to maintain health and preserve food and beverages. Before the discovery and acceptance of antibiotics in the early 1900s, Silver was used in hospitals and is still used today. We have taken the old technology of colloidal silver and improved it to create the next generation of silver products. Nano Silver was created to improve on current formulas to make them safer and more effective. Through a new manufacturing technology, our advanced nano-silver solution has become the new standard by which all other silver products are measured. We call this new generation of colloidal silver, SilverSol.

  • Researched in an FDA cleared, double blind human Safety ingestion study.
  • SilverSol particles leave the body within 24 hours.
  • Each SilverSol nano particle can steal multiple electrons. Independent studies have shown it to be up to 10x more powerful than other silver products.
  • More Stable: Remains stable when frozen or heated.
  • More Bioavailable: Continuous particle function and particles are not neutralized like other forms of silver.
  • Unique Technology: Metallic nano-particle with a thin, silver-oxide coating. Which simply means, our SilverSol technology has multiple modes of action. Because of this, you need less of our nano-silver particles to accomplish the same thing as you would with other ionic or colloidal silver particles (this results in much less silver ingested comparatively).
  • Probiotic friendly