Hi, I’m Trisha Leslie, founder of Yelo Botanicals. Skincare has been my passion since I was a little girl. I have always been fascinated with what makes the skin healthy, and enjoyed taking the time to create skincare routines that are as enjoyable as they are effective. I have spent most of my life investigating which ingredients can change the skin naturally, without the need of harsh chemicals. As a child, I had skin sensitivities and somehow knew that I needed an oatmeal bath, and it blew my mind that something so simple worked so effectively. When I was a preteen, I developed acne and spent my babysitting money on products and facials to make my skin healthier, and it helped! The issue was most products were full of harmful chemicals that made my skin so unhappy. It wasn’t until I discovered naturally corrective skincare that my skin found homeostasis without undesirable side effects. I believe in high performance NATURAL ingredients that are healthy for you and the environment, that make HUGE changes without sacrificing beautiful skin and hair.
I have been an esthetician specializing in naturally corrective skincare since 2005, and my client’s biggest complaint was how many products were necessary to obtain the results they wanted. I have managed to simplify the process by powering them with the most potent and pure plant-based actives into each formulation. I believe beautiful skin is a result of wholistic health, not vanity. Creating skin that thrives through its amazing power of absorption is my passion, please let me help you create an effortless pleasure ritual that helps you achieve your goals. I love seeing the amazing results we can achieve in the treatment room, but homecare can do even more when used consistently. I want to elevate the at-home experience so that everyone can have happy healthy skin that glows!